Monitoring VMware vSphere with Zabbix

Monitoring VMware vSphere with Zabbix

Zabbix is an open-source monitoring tool designed to oversee various components of IT infrastructure, including networks, servers, virtual machines, and cloud services. It operates using both agent-based and agentless monitoring methods. Agents can be installed on monitored devices to collect performance data and report back to a centralized Zabbix server.

Monitoring TKGs cluster using VMware Aria Operations
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Monitoring TKGs cluster using VMware Aria Operations

VMware Aria Operations (ex vROps Operations) is a powerful tool for monitoring infrastructure, virtual machines, predict resource demands or costs. Use cases is much more. One of them is ability to visualize, provide logs and information from the Tanzu Kuberentes Grid clusters. To obtain insightful data from the nodes you need to use dedicated addon – Management Pack for Kubernetes.